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Thursday 09 May 2024
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The Spello Infiorata

Spello (PG) - Spello's most characteristic annual event, for which it is famous throughout the world, is the Corpus Domini Infiorata, which will take place this year on June 9th and 10th. No less than three kilometres of elaborate patterns meticulously laid out over the street the night before the Corpus Domini procession make this unquestionably the largest Infiorata in Italy. Clearly the designs are planned months ahead, and already several weeks before the actual event the infioratori will have been gathering the various kinds of flowers that they will need in the end design, starting with dried flowers for the darker hues and waiting for the brighter ones at the last minute because they have to be harvested fresh. A prize is awarded to the best section of the flower carpet, with this year's competition - now in its 51st edition - featuring the following groups: Aisa, Acquatino Junior, Arco Dell'arce, Avis, Borgo Junior, Ciciano, Filippo Petrucci, Fonte Piazza, Gemma, I Figli Della Piazzetta, Il Girasole, La Corta, Le Giovani Di Ieri, Mater, Na Vorda Era Cusci', Pepponi Rosanna, Piazzetta San Martino, Pochi Ma Buoni Piccoli, San Giovanni, San Giovanni Junior, Sant' Andrea, Scuola Dell'infanzia Viale Poeta, Un Filo Per La Vita, Abbraccio, Acquatino, Albi Rosella, Arco Romano, Belardinelli Rosina, Borgo, Consolare 1998, Fonte Del Borgo, Forno Del Teatro, Giorgio, I Piccoli Di Montarone, Istituto Comprensivo, La Margherita, Lisa, Montarone, P S Fagotti, Piazza Gramsci, Piccoli Artisti Di Strada, Pochi Ma Buoni, San Felice, San Lorenzo, Sant'Angelo, Speramo De Fajela, Vallegloria, A 77 Milano.

Info: 0742 301146, 349 3661312, www.infioratespello.it.

[Source: Perugia OnLine]


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