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Saturday 04 May 2024
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The scene is the Cheese

Bastia Umbra (PG) -

Entertainment tasting the scientific discovery of the origin of the cheese, including stories and traditions of the past.
Friday, November 8 - 19.30 at the Cinema Teatro Esperia, via Rome. The event in Bastia is only the first of a series of events in Umbria theaters that will host the evenings of "Science and food culture", the new project of POST devised in collaboration with the Institute Zooprofilattico experimental Umbria and the Marches and made possible thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Education.

The show will be preceded by a buffet dinner in the theater foiller by the Supply Chain of the Little Pig Terre and Umbria.

Researchers, librarians, ranchers, farmers and restaurateurs will explain to the participants the technical and scientific aspects of cheese making him a "taste" all the possible curiosity and the most hidden aspects linked to the traditions of the past of the food star of the evening. Viewers will themselves be active participants being able to interact with the characters on stage during the performance and tasting some samples of the food theme of the evening: a sensory journey at the end of which everyone will have a greater knowledge of what they have just tasted and technology awareness and scientific aspects hidden in foods.

The event, with booking advised, has a cost of 15 Euros.
For info and reservations please contact POST at 075.5736501.

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[Source: Perugia OnLine]

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