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Presentation volumes Donatella Padua

Perugia (PG) -

Presentation Volumes Donatella Padua

On October 15th, starting at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Hall of the Palazzo Goldoniana Gallenga (University for Foreigners of Perugia) will be the presentation of the volumes of Donatella Padua: "Trust, Social Relations and Engagement. Understanding Customer Behaviour on the Web "(Palgrave Macmillan) and" Confidence in the global crisis. The relevance of social thought Keynesian "(Carocci Editore).

The event will be based on the main theme of the two volumes: confidence. The presentation will be introduced by the Director of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Roberto Fedi and moderated by Professor of Sociology at the University of Perugia Mary Catherine Federici. Delve into the theme: Carlo Andrea Sticker, Professor of Economics at the University of Perugia; Fortunata Peas, Professor of Urban Sociology at the University of Naples, Renato Fontana Professor at the University La Sapienza of Rome ;

Why trust collapses in times of crisis? And when it becomes, instead, a catalyst for growth by creating value? The volume offers an analysis of the dynamics of trust in interpreting sociological thought of John Maynard Keynes, the first economist to understand the full extent of the lever-confidence. In a context of techno-socio-economic complex as that of the financial crisis that began in 2007, the original concept of economy of confidence explains the creation of value through the spontaneous act of trust as a dynamic replacement of the institutional system of quality assurance and control. Just the lack of such a system has in fact constituted

an ideal breeding ground for the growth of the 'nominal economy: an economy which distorts the perception of reality, widens the economic and social disparities, unbalanced relationships between risk and wealth in the global society, dissolves the bonds of responsibility, in this way the trust favors the recall of "new powers" strong, such as, for example, companies hedge funds, rating agencies, investment banks. In this context, only targeted policies of economy of confidence can funnel effect "store of value" generated by the trust itself towards positive intent of building social capital, always consider the appearance of human irrational as identified in a revolutionary by John Maynard Keynes.

In the Internet Age, the value generated by horizontal relationships peer-to-peer must be integrated into the economic process verticals. This implies that all institutions, from the economic to the political, from the cultural to the technological ones, they must change their approach towards a "social" model. This does not mean to embrace a non-profit perspective, but rather, draw new strategies of trust and engagement to create win-win situations with its stakeholders.

The assumption is a cultural change, marketing, organizational, management of human resources that all organizations are called today to make.

Donatella Padua is Associate Professor of Sociology and Models and Tools for the analysis of complex society at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. It 'also scientific director at "Intelligent Positioning Research Centre" (UK). The author has written numerous publications including: "Acting and creative sense of rationality in Pareto" (Franco Angeli, 2010) and "Sociology of Diversity Management" (Morley, 2007).

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[Source: Perugia OnLine]

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