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Thursday 09 May 2024
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Todi in the heart

Todi (PG) - The Rotary Club of Todi and Umbria and Culture, with the support and collaboration of the municipality of Todi, organized on 14 and March 15 next three joint events that will aim to raise public awareness and an awareness of to cardiac risk, which can affect anyone, anywhere and at any time. It 'important to understand the importance of acting quickly with determination, generosity and life-saving skills with suitable means, the only possibility to increase survival in cardiac arrest in the short, medium and long term.

- Friday, March 14, at 17.30, at the Council Hall, in collaboration with the State School Jacopone and the Association of Former Students of the Lyceum, on the occasion of "The Friday of the High School" will be presented the book "The Second Lives "by Maurizio Righetti, RAI journalist, in the presence of the author. The book contains 15 stories of people affected by experiences of serious diseases that, in 14 stories in the book, once the acute phase, have revised their experience in a positive way.

The presentation of the book will also be an occasion to highlight the initiative which will run throughout the day on Saturday, March 15, and that includes the gift to the town of Todi for a defibrillator for the Piazza del Popolo, and that will be pending the final settlement, as supplied to the body of the traffic police, in an attempt to establish a virtuous process that has as its purpose to which you Todi become a protected place for citizens and visitors.

- Saturday, March 15, 10:30 am, at the Hall of the Council, will take place the conference titled: "Todi - project for a city cardio protected" Speakers: Carlo Rossini, Mayor of Todi; moderator: Marco Maria Pirrami Cardiologist, partner Rotary Club Todi, Franco Cocchi Director of the Training Centre Emergency Urgency USLUmbria1; Giampiero Jordan, President of the Association "Friends of the heart" of Orvieto; Vincenzo Castelli President of the "Fondazione Giorgio Castelli NPO".

- Saturday, March 15, 15:30 pm, at the Hall of stones, of course theoretical and practical training in the maneuvers of BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation), addressed to all relevant parties, becoming aware that the timely action of "resuscitators Laity ", or individuals with expertise in the use of defibrillators, are the ONLY chance of survival in the first 7/9 minutes waiting for the 118.

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[Source: Perugia OnLine]

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